Transport law

Insurance law / Traffic law / Transport law

Bridge Legal also has extensive knowledge of traffic and insurance law.
Whether you have incurred a speeding fine, have been involved in an accident or have suffered material damage or physical injuries, our team will be able to provide advice and take action, both inside and outside of the courts.
Transport damage claims, including those under the CMR convention, are another area in which we have significant expertise.

One process, one partner!

Your cases are always handled from end to end by the same legally qualified contact, so that no useful information is overlooked — right from the initial amicable discussions to the conclusion of court proceedings — and so that your case is always in the hands of someone who knows exactly what’s going on.

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We're here to help

Our transport law experts are always available to help. Feel free to visit our Antwerp office at any time to discuss your case. Together, we’ll decide the best approach to take.

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Could we help your organisation with our expertise?
Feel free to contact us.

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